Wednesday, March 14, 2012

BLOG # 3

According to "The Allegory of the Cave" by Plato, Socrates a great philosopher is trying to explain how these group of prisoners were chained since birth and had never seen the light of the sun. They kept seeing shadows in the walls from the fire and listening to voices but never knew there was another life across those walls. Finally a prisoner was released from its slavery and noticed a brighter light than the one he was used to, He realised that the world he had grown up from wasn't real but the one he had just seen was. The man went back to the cave to inform the other prisoners about what he had discovered but they were not interested with what  he was saying they only belived in what they thought it was real(the shadows, and voices on the walls).

Everyone goes threw moments where you just feel like there's no escape no matter what direction your looking at, and I feel the same way at times, I feel like I'm chained to my job and its hard to let loose, but being aware that there are more opportunities out there and I'm not making an effort to loosen myself from it. Sometimes I feel drained and disappointed when I see that people are making more than I am and that they're succeeding in life when I should be doing the same. Unfortunately I'm not the only one who is chained but my co-workers feel the same, if I'm in the position I am is because I feel afraid to brake those chains and move on. My plan is to break them soon and hopefully get a better treatment, not looking back at the position I was in.