Monday, April 30, 2012

Blog# 11

The Meatrix shows the meat consumers how farm animals are treated before being killed. The way factories treat these animals with such cruelty. Just like in the movie The Matrix there is a real world and a world under lies. These animals are not even allowed to walk, all they feed them is hormones and they maintain them on antibiotics to prevent them from having infections. Unfortunately these animals are all put together in the same spot to have more space but these people don’t realize that these animals can get infected with horrible bacteria’s. While some people are against these kind of actions others are in favor, they want these animals to suffer giving them ways to have a growth level more increased therefore the consumers buy these kind of meats thinking they were just raised in a healthy way when it is not true. Once an animal has a bacteria and a human consumes it no matter if the meat is cooked or not the bacteria can get transmitted to someone’s body in an instant but the industries don’t care as long as their product is being purchased and people are consuming it they are fine with it. In The Meatrix they’re trying to stop the animal cruelty but in real life is hard to do so when people don’t motivate themselves in helping.

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