Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Blog # 9 Argument Essay

Red pill or blue pill? Is ignorance bliss? As shown in "The Matrix" Neo had to decide if he wanted to continue living under lies or was he able to handle the truth. The red pill contained the truth which was hidden from everyone else and the blue pill was just going to bring him back to what he thought was reality. Sometimes I wonder if we can all handle the truth once is really revealed or would it be hard for humanity to accept it just like Cypher?. I think God only knows what kind of mystery we are all living in.

Sometimes I feel like we all are living like “The Matrix”, under so many regulations and disappointments, somewhere where no one knows the truth, and we just try to live day by day. Like for example on the passage there’s  a question stated by the author Christine Cornell “Why do we want to know the truth?” and I ask myself the same question why do we? I understand no one wants to be lied to but how can we find out what is the truth, if what we believe in is really a fact, it is hard when everyone just lie threw anything and has different believes. Also, there is some people who don’t care what reality is they rather live their life even if what their living is not the real actuality.Cypher's view was the same, he pretended to care for himself and his partners but at the ened he had the courage to betray the people who were like family to him. He showed that he couldn't handle the truth and he thought that the right way was to ignore reality.
 In reference to another movie called 2012, they show the viewers things that we are experiencing now, but how did they all know this?. Everyone is full of questions which can’t be answered with a correct response and that’s very unfortunate because we should all live by the truth and we should all have clear minds. In my opinion I think these movies are coming out to give people a hint of the lies we are living in, to give us a clue's of what we’re living in , it is so obvious some people want to open our minds and makes us think beyond a mere myth, but we don’t want to realize how many lies are surrounding us. As mentioned before I would’ve taken the red pill because I believe we have the right to know the truth no matter how difficult it can be to live it. Neo believed The Matrix exist at first but once he knew the truth he felt doubtful about what he was seeing and I think people would feel the same because everyone has their own beliefs not everyone will trust and believe.

In conclusion in my opinion we are all living under many lies, and others are making us believe in things that might not be true, everyone has different believes and no one is in control of changing your way of thinking, but I do believe that we’re living under too many lies and I know sooner or later the truth hopefully will come out just like in The Matrix.

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