Sunday, June 3, 2012

Mushroom Ravioli with boneless chicken breast.

I was wanting to make some pasta but wasn't sure what kind. After looking up some recipes I decided to make Mushroom Ravioli with chicken breast. I went to Trader Joe's to buy all the ingredients I needed. It was my first time going there and I honestly thought it was going to be  expensive but I was wrong. This was my first time cooking this meal and I had some help from my mother who I shared it with. This meal took me less than an hour and everything that I used was low on sodium,carbs etc which i think it taste much better. I think its good to shop in Trader Joe's because the food quality is great and the prices are too.

What you'll need to make this meal is:
- 1 package of Fresh thin boneless/skinless breast.
- Mushroom ravioli with truffle sauce
- Soy Sauce (reduced sodium)
- Extra virgin Oil
- Alfredo sauce with romano and parmesan cheese 
- 1 red, 1 yellow, and 1 green peppers
- half  onion
- half clove of garlic

To cook the chicken breast:

-1 teaspoon of paprika, 1 teaspoon of blackpepper, 1 teaspoon of oregano and 1 teaspoon of cumin
-2 teaspoon of trader joe's reduced sodium soy sauce.
-2 cloves of garlic
-half of an onion
- 1 teaspoon of vinegar (your choice).
- 2 teaspoon of extra virgin oil.

For the mushroom ravioli's :

- 4 cloves of garlic
- scallions
- chopped green and red peppers
- 1 teaspoon of olive oil
- 1 teaspoon of soy sauce
- half of the Alfredo Sauce

I really enjoyed making this meal and I felt like I was eating healthier. I probably will consider visiting Trader Joe's more often.  I see this project fitting into the theme of the course because other supermarkets sell food that are concentrated on hormones and preservatives and those are the kind of food we look for, but we don't realize that organic supermarket have better qualities and which is much healthier and to me it taste much better. My mother also agreed she enjoyed the meal as well.

The Final outcome : Mushroom ravioli with chicken breast

Monday, May 14, 2012

Blog Entry 14

                                         “Bottled water is more convenient”

 People think that bottled water is more convenient than tap water because it comes sealed. We don’t recognize that we don’t have the money to waste on bottles of water all the time. We love to spend money on unnecessary things why spend money every day when you have a cleaner drinking water at home. We are confusing disposability with convenience whatever we see first that’s what we’ll take. We don’t realize that by buying these water bottles we are harming our world. I think that’s the reason why we are having so much global warming and so many destructions. People feel that a bottle of water is safer than tap water just because these companies brain wash us with their lovely looking bottles. We don’t even know if these bottles are being recycled the right way or not. As said in the passage it is more convenient to re- use the bottles we buy and just fill them with tap water which I think it can be a great idea. The less plastic we see the better the world will be. When I used to live with my aunt I remember she used to go to BJ’s every other weekend to buy 2 or 3 packs of bottle water until one day we started realizing that the one of the bottles had brown small particles it looked like mud to me. Bad came to worst her husband had drank from the same pack and he had gotten sick from the stomach. After this incident she decided to buy a filter which to me was a better idea and which I thought it was much healthier for us. I think that in order to expose these water bottle companies we need to stop buying them and show others what kind of disaster they have created.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Blog Entry# 13

Children don’t really know what is good or bad for them. Most kids prefer candy and or junk food than a healthy home cooked meal. The advertisement of junk food, candies, sodas etc has gotten out of control and something must be done. Children see these advertisements almost everywhere they go especially in school. What is sad is that kids are suffering from adult diseases at such young ages when they shouldn’t .The Council of Better Business Bureaus is trying to cut down the advertisements. My question is what can the own companies do to stop this situation? Will they be nice enough to care and do something?

I do understand that candy can be pleasurable for most of us especially the young ones but too much candy can increase the sugar level of a child; which it is not healthy. When I was a child I remember seeing vending machines just full of candies in each floor and there used to always be a kid buying a candy or a drink most of the time. They now are agreeing not to advertise these products in schools and in places where there’s kids. As mentioned on the New York Times “Obesity among the young has become a health emergency, and the rates of diabetes and other adult diseases among American children are national scandal”. This is a very critic situation, kids suffering from diseases which we mostly see on adult and it’s very upsetting. My opinion is that kids should be thought to eat healthier because if not the situation can get worst. When children consume too much junk food or candies not only are they prone to suffer from a disease but they tend to get very hyper. I think companies do take advantage of this situation because the more children consume their products.

Also as mention in the passage critics warn the companies which are merely attempting to police themselves before a Democratic Congress does it for them, of coarse these companies won’t want this, that can lower their product vends much more. Most of these companies want to just sell their products and keep doing what they’re doing but they are not realizing that this is affecting our children’s health. I also think that a way of lowering obesity in children is with the help of their own parents. I think parents are the key to stop this situation they should educate them and teach them the good foods they need to eat in order to be healthy. I’ve also seen some commercials against these junk food advertisements telling the parents “ kids are what they eat” meaning if they eat healthy they will grow up with no type of complication but if all they eat is junk the problems will start at an early age. When a child eats healthy their learning ability can increase, but if not they will feel very lazy and they will do poorly in their activities. The solution these industries have is to cut down the advertisements, the less children see it the less they’ll want it. Overall kids younger than 12 don’t know what they are consuming is good or bad, so that is why those products should be cut down.

In conclusion, kids don’t know how much this can affect them and their health. Children don’t deserve to suffer from a disease just because they don’t know how junk food can affect them.  Companies should start cutting down the advertisements starting in schools and parents should start educating their kids into eating a right healthy meal.  

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Blog # 12

According to The Meatrix website the food that we consume is not safe.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Blog# 11

The Meatrix shows the meat consumers how farm animals are treated before being killed. The way factories treat these animals with such cruelty. Just like in the movie The Matrix there is a real world and a world under lies. These animals are not even allowed to walk, all they feed them is hormones and they maintain them on antibiotics to prevent them from having infections. Unfortunately these animals are all put together in the same spot to have more space but these people don’t realize that these animals can get infected with horrible bacteria’s. While some people are against these kind of actions others are in favor, they want these animals to suffer giving them ways to have a growth level more increased therefore the consumers buy these kind of meats thinking they were just raised in a healthy way when it is not true. Once an animal has a bacteria and a human consumes it no matter if the meat is cooked or not the bacteria can get transmitted to someone’s body in an instant but the industries don’t care as long as their product is being purchased and people are consuming it they are fine with it. In The Meatrix they’re trying to stop the animal cruelty but in real life is hard to do so when people don’t motivate themselves in helping.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Blog # 10

My experience with the tutor was worthy. She really helped me a lot with the mistakes I was making and explained to me where I was lacking the most. I was a little confused with the claims and reasons but she told me a way to pick them up a little easier. She helped me with blog entry 9 and I knew there were mistakes everywhere, she helped me fix the mistakes and now once I read it is much clearer and understandable. I hope we do get more time with the tutors before the CAT-W because it is easier when you have someone looking over and helping us fix our errors. It is a BIG help and easier to catch up before the big day.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Blog # 9 Argument Essay

Red pill or blue pill? Is ignorance bliss? As shown in "The Matrix" Neo had to decide if he wanted to continue living under lies or was he able to handle the truth. The red pill contained the truth which was hidden from everyone else and the blue pill was just going to bring him back to what he thought was reality. Sometimes I wonder if we can all handle the truth once is really revealed or would it be hard for humanity to accept it just like Cypher?. I think God only knows what kind of mystery we are all living in.

Sometimes I feel like we all are living like “The Matrix”, under so many regulations and disappointments, somewhere where no one knows the truth, and we just try to live day by day. Like for example on the passage there’s  a question stated by the author Christine Cornell “Why do we want to know the truth?” and I ask myself the same question why do we? I understand no one wants to be lied to but how can we find out what is the truth, if what we believe in is really a fact, it is hard when everyone just lie threw anything and has different believes. Also, there is some people who don’t care what reality is they rather live their life even if what their living is not the real actuality.Cypher's view was the same, he pretended to care for himself and his partners but at the ened he had the courage to betray the people who were like family to him. He showed that he couldn't handle the truth and he thought that the right way was to ignore reality.
 In reference to another movie called 2012, they show the viewers things that we are experiencing now, but how did they all know this?. Everyone is full of questions which can’t be answered with a correct response and that’s very unfortunate because we should all live by the truth and we should all have clear minds. In my opinion I think these movies are coming out to give people a hint of the lies we are living in, to give us a clue's of what we’re living in , it is so obvious some people want to open our minds and makes us think beyond a mere myth, but we don’t want to realize how many lies are surrounding us. As mentioned before I would’ve taken the red pill because I believe we have the right to know the truth no matter how difficult it can be to live it. Neo believed The Matrix exist at first but once he knew the truth he felt doubtful about what he was seeing and I think people would feel the same because everyone has their own beliefs not everyone will trust and believe.

In conclusion in my opinion we are all living under many lies, and others are making us believe in things that might not be true, everyone has different believes and no one is in control of changing your way of thinking, but I do believe that we’re living under too many lies and I know sooner or later the truth hopefully will come out just like in The Matrix.

BLOG # 8

Are you living in the matrix?

I sometimes feel like we are living in the Matrix because we live under so many regulations and so many rules to follow. Most of us do the same thing over and over for example like Truman from the Truman show, wake up go to work come home has dinner and then the next day repeats the same thing. I think most of us are going through the same thing living every day with the same actions work, school, eat, home etc. it does get a little overwhelming when you’re doing the same thing over and over. Now a day it is rare for people to take days off like before because they cannot afford it even thou they know they need that little vacation to focus more. it is unfortunate to know that you work every single day and you can't cover up for a little get away. Every so often I see people in the train in such a rush and I see how desperate they look to me, I think we look like mummies in some sort of way because we never try to change our environment and our daily routine. Unfortunately this is not only seen in America but the whole world seems to be stuck into the same thing daily and it’s unfortunate because kids will grow up doing the same thing. I feel like I am also living under The matrix because I sometimes feel like I don’t have time for anything it is all work and school and I know I’m not the only one feeling this type of way, I feel like an robot just moving from one place to another doing the same thing over and over barely any real time for yourself. I feel like we all are being manipulated and controlled by others who are superior to us, like If we don’t have any freedom of speech or we don’t have the right to act upon our privileges. I think in order for us to break free we need to start opening our eyes and try to change our lives by having a better outcome with our personal lives .

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

BLOG # 7

Reality television shows has become more popular on television than any other type of shows, and people keep signing up for these shows just for money. I agree with Timothy Sexton when he states that the “most dangerous message these shows send is that education is unnecessary to fulfill a dream”.Who doesn’t want quick and easy money?

Everyone loves money, especially when all you have to do is compete and for this reason more and more people keep signing up for these reality shows therefore they can have money in a  quicker way, but what they don’t realize is that these kind of shows are setting them on shame. Most of these shows make fun of the people in it and they don’t really care, all they care about is making their money and get over it as quick as possible. Competition might be the key to success but only when people compete towards something that makes sense to compete over. In my opinion most of these reality shows are not even real, they just try to consume the viewer’s time and brain wash them with nonsense. In order to achieve something you must work hard but people don’t believe in working hard anymore, what’s more devastating is that these shows are mostly viewed by the younger generation.

To be honest I am the kind to sit and watch show’s like these, but once I’m done watching them I feel as if it was pointless to watch it, but I can’t imagine how the people who are involved  in these shows must feel knowing that all they’re doing is seeking for fame and money but at the same time they’re just making a fool of themselves. There’s a show called “Love Games” and they compete with one another for money, but all the things they do is shameless, they argue, they hit eachother on national tv and the types of competition they do is beyond discusting.To me these shows shouldn’t even be on t.v where is so easy for kids to find them and get the impression that that’s the right thing to do. It is upsetting to watch these people compete for money this way but what’s even more upsetting is that most of these people don’t even have a college degree. As Sexton states ”Why go to school and face difficulties of learning something when you can just get on Fear Factor eat bugs and walk away with a bucket of money?” unfortunately some people just think this way and go for it but don’t even think “how about if I lose? ” What will happen after my time is done in this show?.

In conclusion people are just being obsessive with these reality shows not caring if they’re making a fool out of themselves, all they look for is the fame and money they’re offering. Society is learning from an image they shouldn’t learn from even if you do walk out with a couple of thousands I don’t think it is worth it, after all what will happen if you spent all that money Would the person go and compete once again and make a fool out of them one more time? some people do whatever it takes to have easy money but don't pay attention at the consequences this will bring to them .

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


In my opinion what Truman was living is something everyone would enjoy, to experience a life with no type of violence or any bad habits. I don't think my life or anyone else's is compared to the life in Seahaven, it is a life that we only see in movies or shows something invented from people to satisfy humankind. I think that we only live that life when we're kids because we don't see how the world really is, we're to young to realize the truth.I would prefer to live somewhere where I know I'm not being lied to constantly and live somewhere where everything is not just make believe that's why I wouldn't live in the world Cristoff created. It is not healthy to live a life in a place where everything is perfect because then you won't learn the reality of life and the real struggle people yet go threw. We probably can see hope living a life like that but at the end it is not reality it is just a myth people would like to live.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


How would you feel if you were lied to constantly? Extremely upset right? Unfortunately people are lied to every day by false theories the world is generating. I think what Jeffrey Kluger states is true, people are imposed to hearing so many lies they can’t believe the truth anymore.

I think that people create lies to get away with things in an easy way, it can be to sell something , prove an false allegation etc. Garret and Nisbet assisting professors of communication at Ohio State University have reported that it is easy to manipulate people’s belief by just demonstrating pictures or stirring quotes. I believe that people are being manipulated by facts that others are creating, people think that just by seeing you should believe , but don’t realize some things are just completely false. They also states that “fewer people were willing to reverse their positions, regardless of the contradictory evidence they were given” that gives me the impression that people are being brain washed easily.

Also, I agree that people don't like admitting that they're wrong. It is hard for them to admit it because they do not want to accept that they're being humiliated by the own lies they are creating.I live with people who everyday believe in something which is false, who sometimes are deeply devoted towards something and if you try arguing with them to make them understand they have the tendency to get furious.Everywhere we're seeing people act like they have the power to heal someone but people are just being hypnotized by the lies.In my opinion it is clear that things can get worst and unfortunately it will impact the younger generation more.

I conclusion things can get worst, because people one day will get tired of the lies and may revolt.This is affecting society and apparently people don't care.We need to stop believing in facts that are shown to us before things get worst.

Monday, March 19, 2012

BLOG # 4
           I believe that people have been living off from lies and unfortunately the truth is not being used constantly.Religion is part of the lives of all, but now a days its hard to believe whose right or not.

 Reason 1:
           - Many Religion have been created to satisfy societies belief.
 Reason 2: 
           - In some religion I've realised that they try to make you donate a certain amout of money and if they do donate they think that God will forgive their sins.
 Reason 3:
         -My cousin is involved in a religion which takes away at least 20% of his paycheck every 2 weeks.

I think It is hard to believe in many things that people show us, but it is in our hands to stop the lies and not keep being fooled with the same nonsence over and over. People need to realised that everything has their skeem and people can go low not caring for others and what these lies do to you. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

BLOG # 3

According to "The Allegory of the Cave" by Plato, Socrates a great philosopher is trying to explain how these group of prisoners were chained since birth and had never seen the light of the sun. They kept seeing shadows in the walls from the fire and listening to voices but never knew there was another life across those walls. Finally a prisoner was released from its slavery and noticed a brighter light than the one he was used to, He realised that the world he had grown up from wasn't real but the one he had just seen was. The man went back to the cave to inform the other prisoners about what he had discovered but they were not interested with what  he was saying they only belived in what they thought it was real(the shadows, and voices on the walls).

Everyone goes threw moments where you just feel like there's no escape no matter what direction your looking at, and I feel the same way at times, I feel like I'm chained to my job and its hard to let loose, but being aware that there are more opportunities out there and I'm not making an effort to loosen myself from it. Sometimes I feel drained and disappointed when I see that people are making more than I am and that they're succeeding in life when I should be doing the same. Unfortunately I'm not the only one who is chained but my co-workers feel the same, if I'm in the position I am is because I feel afraid to brake those chains and move on. My plan is to break them soon and hopefully get a better treatment, not looking back at the position I was in.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Blog # 2                  

                              "I know the Truth, So don't Bother Me with Facts "

According to the passage from Jeffrey Kluger "I know the truth, so don't bother me with facts" states that humans have long been duplicates by rumors and lies and sometimes is very easy to do so. The passage states that a study was made just to determine how such false beliefs and allegations are made and what does it take to free people from believing in these. Secondly it states how easy it is to be able to manipulate people and their beliefs with just showing pictures and false quotes and allegations, just to make them believe in something that is not real and even if people try to take the time to learn these facts the effort is not as good as it should. The author Kluger, also states that when subjects are presented with data that contradicts their beliefs, they often lead to a situation responding to an inclination to present a partial perspective because no one likes to admit they’re wrong.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

BLOG# 1 :

According to Kalle Lasp advertisements are shown everywhere you go, not only visibly but we hear them as well. In my opinion "Ads' are made to make the viewer consume more of they're product.

These adevertisements are just looking for a way to make people spend they're money. Anywhere you go you'll find any kind of "ad" around and its not only located in gas stations, fast food restaurants but in schools as well and that's a way to make kids spend their allowance on unnecessary things. In my opinion I don't think its right for kids to be around "ads' all the time especially if its a junk food ad or a candy ad, that's making kids grow up with health complications.There are some advertisements which are very useful but these are very rare to see.

When you see an advertisement in a store the first thing you think is if you need it and moments later you realize you have it in your hands without realizing its just a skeem from companies to sell their products.For example my friends son had seen a toy on display  and this toy was no where to be found, the child was crying hysterically and screaming in the store, his mother drove everywhere to find it and at last she did. Not only this had an impact towards her sons mood but towards the mother as well because she just wanted to please his behavior.

Most of these ads have a message to show but other's don't and for this reason I do not think 'ads' should be up everywhere. Things keep changing as the years go by and I honestly don't think they're were so many companies advertising as there is today. As the author states everyday there are more ads adding up into our sights from the moment we wake up to the moment we go to sleep. People haven't realized the absurdity of this and some unfortunately don't even care. Ads are not only affecting the adults but the kids as well. Ads should be cut down a little more so that way people can spend less money on unnecessary things.

In conclusion ads are not to motivating towards society, its just creating things to get worst not only in America but in the world as well. With ads all around us it just makes everyone "hype" and we don't see how much these are affecting us. Something should be done about this, if not things can just get worst.